Tuesday, April 23, 2024


This evening, we picked up Claire from the airport after her life-changing,
amazing medical mission to Ghana.
On the ride home, we heard stories and saw photos of where she was,
and what she was doing.
When we arrived back home, Jane was busy preparing
 a scrumptious dinner. She has been cooking her way through
 all the saved pins on her Pinterest board, 
and every week she cooks a meal or a treat.
 I am definitely not complaining!
Lottie had been eagerly waiting for Claire's arrival and 
 when she saw Claire, she yelled, 
"Girlie!" - which is what they call each other.
They all hugged and screamed like little girls.
(They are still little girls, aren't they?!)
Claire pulled out gifts she had lovingly picked out for all of us.
All I wanted was for her to stop at Pierre Hermé
 to get the most amazing macaroons while she was in Paris.  
She did!  She brought me home a box of mouthwatering macaroon goodness.
She didn't even eat one...not even to sample it.
I was shocked.
I would have bought me a box just for the plane ride home!

Then we ate them all in one sitting.
It was very un-French-like, I know.
Then we ate Jane's delicious veggie pot pie she made
and turned out amazing.
I told her to keep this recipe pinned on her board.

Monday, April 22, 2024

We Know Better

This evening, Jane and I took Angus out for a walk in the green fields
to visit Christian, who was outside working with the cows.
We talked about dating, boys, and her plans to cook 
through her Pinterest board this summer. 
We also discussed how to stay strong and 
trust God when things don't go as planned.
We both have friends who have chosen different paths taking them 
away from God, and sometimes,
it seems like there is no difference between choosing God
and choosing the world.  In fact, sometimes it seems like
choosing the world is easier.
But we know better.
We know there is power, protection, and peace in having a
covenant relationship with God.
We have seen it.
We have felt it, and we choose to live it every day.

Jane has become one of my best friends, 
bringing her positive light and love into my life.
Her perspective is bright and optimistic. 
She has faith, and she believes and trusts God.
I love her quick wit and calm (and often spicy) demeanor.
It's a different season when daughters become more like friends-
that you buy toothpaste and favorite granola bars for.
Upon returning home, I discovered four ticks 
on my jeans and two under my shirt. 
Jane had three on her as well. I dread tick season.
Here is my favorite talk from Jane's stake conference talk last week:

"I am a substitute teacher, and on Friday, I substituted for
 a math teacher who was very obviously Christian. 
He had choir music printed out on his desk, and scriptures scribbled on sticky notes.
 I didn't meet or speak to him directly, but he inspired me, 
and I copied out one of my favorite scriptures from the Book of Mormon, 
Jesus Christ’s own words, and left it on his desk along with the
 address of the chapel and what time we meet on Sundays. 
The great thing about the Savior's instruction to 
‘preach the gospel to every creature’ is that it doesn’t have to be anything fancy. 
My sticky note scripture sure wasn’t, but it was an invitation to come unto Christ. 
Jesus is always the answer. Jesus is the universal language.
 He bridges gaps in age, culture, and life experiences. 
This is why I share the gospel."

Sunday, April 21, 2024

Oliver in Brazil: April 2024

Ollie Elder Nielson is doing awesome in Brazil!
Only nine more months to go!
(Who's counting?!)


Eating (mostly pizza):




He and another American missionary in his apartment, Elder Maffi,
are cooking!  Each week, they pick something to make.
Pretzels, peanut butter cookies, macaroni & cheese (with unknown cheese),
cinnamon rolls (for conference!), 
Speaking Elder Maffi, here they were one year ago and today:
Now they both look a little more filled out and have
 some sun on their faces:


His area:

And this: 
(this made me laugh)

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