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Xbox360 Logo

by on March 1, 2013


Uniqueness: The Xbox 360 logo is unique in a variety of different ways. Unlike the original Xbox logo designed prior to this, the spherical shape which is deeply embedded with a slicing X, is visually stunning and generates a sense of sleek power which is waiting to erupt from the shape in the form of a glowing atomic green.

Association: The logo itself associates well with the console in the way that it is designed to look futuristic and out of this world, just as Microsoft depicted the actual Xbox360 console. The surging energy that is releasing from the sphere represents the power contained within the console itself.

Tone of Voice:  The tone of the logo is clear at first glance. A futuristic silver and atomic green automatically portray images of powerful technology that is almost out of this world.

Graphic Excellence: The Logo itself is simplistic in the sense that it is just a sphere, but it is made so much more with the use of deep glowing colours and shadows to create a deep incising effect.

Holding Power: I feel that the logo has holding power, but only to a particular audience. Due to the popularity of the logo, a gamer might see this and stall for information on upcoming games or news about their favourite console. However, if the logo was unknown to someone, very little about the logo will cause him or her to try and obtain more information.

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