People also ask
What is the difference between ano and año?
Is año masculine or feminine?
Are anos and años the same word?
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Translations · year, the ~ Noun. ‐ a period of time containing 365 (or 366) days. she is 4 years old; in the year 1920 · period of time, ...
"Ano" is a form of "ano", a noun which is often translated as "anus". "Año" is a form of "año", a noun which is often translated as "year".
año noun, masculine. Listen (plural: años m)—. Linguee Dictionary ... year n. Listen (plural: years) ... Mi hijo tiene casi seis años ... My son is almost six years ...
año · year. See the entry for ; ano · anus. See the entry for ; ano · anus. Singular ...
A year is a period of twelve months, beginning on the first of January and ending on the thirty-first of December. The year was ...
Dec 18, 2017 · Ano means anus to most Latin Americans. It's not something you would say unless to a doctor or making a dirty joke.
Translate "año" from Spanish to English, year, época del año, estación del año, año luz, . See word usage in contexts, conjugation and declension.
-ano. forms nouns from nouns, denoting a native, citizen or inhabitant; -an. Synonyms: -ese, -ita: Africa (“Africa”) + -ano → africano (“African”) ...
year · 1. (= twelve months) año m. it takes years es cosa de años ⧫ se tarda años. we waited years esperamos una eternidad · 2. (= age). in my early years en mi ...
What does ano mean in Spanish? English Translation. year.