Gluon interactions are often represented by a Feynman diagram. Note that the gluon generates a color change for the quarks. The gluons are in fact ...
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The use of Feynman diagrams to visualize the strong interaction involves primitive vertices with quarks and gluons.
Gluon. Diagram 1: In Feynman diagrams, emitted gluons are represented as helices. This diagram depicts the annihilation of an electron and positron.
When one gluon is longitudinal and all other gluons are transverse, the amplitude vanishes. But when two or more gluons are longitudi- nal, the amplitude does ...
A Feynman diagram describing gluon radiation in which an electron (e-) and a positron (e+) collide, form a photon (γ) before decaying into an anti quark/quark ...
Each Feynman diagram represents a term in the perturbation theory expansion of the matrix element for an interaction. Normally, a full matrix element contains ...
A gluon can only be emitted from quarks, and will change their colour charge. However, as we almost never draw the colour charge of a quark, in the diagram ...
A Feynman diagram is a pictorial representation of the mathematical expressions describing the behavior and interaction of subatomic particles.
A powerful tool to visualise interactions between elementary particles is known as Feynman diagrams, that represent the trajectories in space and time of ...