Ex nunc is a Latin phrase meaning from now on. It is used as a legal term to signify that something is valid only for the future and not the past.
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Ex tunc is a legal term derived from Latin, and means "from the outset". It can be contrasted with ex nunc, which means "from now on".
Dec 28, 2023 · Ex nunc is a Latin legal term meaning "from now on". It refers to court rulings or judgments that take effect from the date of the ruling going ...
Latin for "from now on". The term used in contract law to specify terms that are voided or confirmed in effect only in the future and not before the contract, ...
“From then.”(1) From or at a former time.(2) Retroactively. E.g., “[T]here is no doubt that genocide has been recognized as a crime under international law in ...
(law) “from now on”. Used to describe certain legal effects which are applicable solely from this point (in time) on and therefore do not affect past actions.
(law) “from now on”. Used to describe certain legal effects which are applicable solely from this point (in time) on and therefore don't affect past actions ...
What is another word for ex nunc? ; in time · later on ; ahead · in due course ; at a later date · in time to come ; in the fullness of time · thenceforward.
Definition(s)In appeals procedures, a court's or tribunal's consideration of the evidence of the situation (all elements, facts and points of law)...
(law) “from now on”. Used to describe certain legal effects which are applicable solely from this point (in time) on and therefore don't affect past actions ...