The Smurfs is a Belgian comic franchise centered on a fictional colony of small, blue, humanoid creatures who live in mushroom-shaped houses in the forest. The Smurfs was created and introduced as a series of comic characters by the Belgian comics... Wikipedia
Animated series: The Smurfs (1961–1967); The Smurfs (1981–1989); The Smurfs (2021–present)
Comics: The Smurfs comics
Created by: Peyo
Original work: "The Flute with Six Holes" (French: "La Flûte à six trous") (1958) in comic Johan and Peewit
Odcinki serialu Smerfy · Oglądaj przygody Smerfów – małych niebieskich stworzeń zamieszkujących spokojną wioskę i próbujących przechytrzyć złego Gargamela.
Smerfy is the Polish dub of The Smurfs. The Polish versions of subsequent series were done in the following order: Episodes 1-30, 32 were dubbed from ...
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Why is there only one female Smurf?
Which Smurf is in love with Smurfette?
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What is the original story of the Smurfs?
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The Smerfy book series by Peyo includes books Schtroumpfeur de pluie and Smerfetka. See the complete Smerfy series book list in order, box sets or omnibus ...
This book has clearly been well maintained and looked after thus far with limited signs of wear, largely clean pages and spine remains undamaged. Contact us our ...