lanckoronska from
Born in Vienna in 1898, Karolina Lanckoronska was an aristocrat and art historian who taught at the University of Lwow. When the Soviets came to occupy the city, Lanckoronska became active in the Polish resistance.
lanckoronska from
In 1939, Countess Karolina Lanckoronska, professor and wealthy landowner, joined the Polish underground, was arrested, sentenced to death, and was held in Ravensbruck concentration camp.
lanckoronska from
... Lanckorońska , Those Who Trespass Against Us , 74-5 . 4. R. Smorczewski , IWM 128787 03/41/1 . 5. For example , both Erickson and Bellamy refer to this first period as the ' Battle of the Frontiers ' but do not mention the Poles at all ...
lanckoronska from
... Lanckorońska who established the precedent for providing overt and clandestine aid to prison- ers through the RGO that Janina was to follow in Lublin . After Galicia became a General Government district in 1941 , Count- ess Lanckorońska ...
lanckoronska from
... Lanckoronska believes , suggests the seventh of the deadly sins , PRIDE . A number of smaller ghouls symbolize other depravities . One , equipped with a cat's head , wields a donkey's jaw in one hand while using the other to pull Saint ...
lanckoronska from
... Lanckorońska has a catchment area of 212ha, not that much below neighbouring Wróblowice (286ha), but its potentially arable zone is much smaller and comprises only 98ha (compared to 202.5ha for Wróblowice). Yet, despite its limited ...
lanckoronska from
... LANCKOROŃSKA , doc . NN . 552-761 ( A.D. 1538-1542 ) , 3 tab . , pp . VIII + 227 , 1975 . Res Polonicae ex Archivo Regiomontano , VII pars . Ed . C. LANCKORONSKA , doc . NN . 762-1501 ( A.D. 1543-47 ) , tab . , pp . VIII + 256 , 1976 ...
lanckoronska from
... Lanckorońska , Portret Damy . Karolina Lanckorońska ( Portret of a Lady . Karolina Lanckorońska , 2004 ) by Paweł Woldan ( who made a large number of documentaries about religious figures , including one about Jerzy Popiełuszko ) , a ...
lanckoronska from
... Lanckoronska , 1963 , p . 109 . 15 In her eagerness to look for a meaningful number , and thus find twelve identifiable monsters , Lanckoronska includes another creature that , to other viewers ' eyes , would appear rather separate from ...
lanckoronska from
... Lanckoronska , a member of the Polish nobility and linked through marriage with the Italian nobility , was arrested by the Gestapo . Hans Krüger , the Gestapo chief of Stanisławów , personally interrogated her in order to discover ...