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Countess Karolina Maria Adelajda Franciszka Ksawera Małgorzata Edina Lanckorońska was a Polish noble, World War II resistance fighter, philanthropist, ...

Karolina Lanckorońska

Polish philanthropist
Countess Karolina Maria Adelajda Franciszka Ksawera Małgorzata Edina Lanckorońska was a Polish noble, World War II resistance fighter, philanthropist, and historian. Wikipedia
Born: August 11, 1898, Gars am Kamp, Austria
Died: August 25, 2002 (age 104 years), Rome, Italy
Organization founded: Lanckoroński Foundation

Countess Karolina Lanckorońska is best known for her memoirs titled Those Who Trespass Against Us: One Woman's War Against the Nazis ('War Memoirs' in ...
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To the Donor in Homage. a Catalogue of Restored Paintings and Family Momentoes From Karolina Lanckoronska's Donation, Wawel Royal Castle, August-October 1998.
Countess Karolina Lanckorońska, co-heiress of the estate of Komarno near Lwów, was the daughter of Count Karol and Countess Margarethe née Princess von ...
The House of Lanckoroński (plural: Lanckorońscy) was an old and wealthy Polish aristocratic family. Its representatives held power and influence in the ...
Countess Karolina Lanckoronska (1898-2002) survived imprisonment and after the war lived in Rome, where she devoted herself to art history and to Polish ...
Historian and art historian, daughter of Count Karol Lanckoronski. She studied at University of Vienna. After 1918 she went to Univeristy of Lwów to teach.
Countess Karolina Maria Lanckorońska (1898–2002) was born in Gars am Kamp, Lower Austria and was a member of the Polish-Galician aristocracy. She studied art ...
Doctor for Dermatology & Aesthetic Medicine Lover CEO @stayhealthyclinic przed & po @dr_julialanckoronska @julsfotografuje
An art historian, Home Army soldier, inmate of the Ravensbrück concentration camp, press officer of the 2nd Polish Corps of the Polish Armed Forces.