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Looking for a book by E. R. Winstanley? E. R. Winstanley wrote Pathways to the Zodiac: Decoding Its Origins and History, which can be purchased at a lower ...
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Gerrard [Jerrard] Winstanley, A Declaration from the Poor Oppressed People of England. in Thomas N. Corns, Ann Hughes, ...
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Reference Writers: Gerrard Winstanley. Gerrard Winstanley Archive. 1609-1660. “In the beginning of Time, the great Creator Reason, made the Earth to be a ...
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Winstanley, at his rooms in Marble-Street, Liverpool, on Monday the 9th of ... Browse in author list; Published/Created: Liverpool : Smith and Galway ...
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Browse In Author: Star, Thomas - Oxford Scholarly Editions Online - Oxford Scholarly Editions. ... Winstanley, Vol. 2. Published in print: 2009. Published online: ...
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O'Flaherty was actually Eliza Winstanley, the first woman to play Richard III in an Australian theatre, and an early star of the colonial stage.
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15 cze 2023 · Fpr2 deficiency led to an increased E. coli population in the colon and delayed recovery of damaged colon epithelial cells in mice with colitis.
RM M1PA96–Henry Winstanley (1644 – 1703) English painter and engineer who constructed the first Eddystone lighthouse after losing two ships on the Eddystone ...
This is a continuation of a catalog of articles in the first twenty-two volumes. (1932-53) which was published in the December 1954 issue (XXIII, 367) .