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William Cobbett’s ‘Cottage Economy’: the future is material
Cottage Economy is not, however, just a nineteenth-century DIY manual. It is also a fiercely polemical defence of smallholding as a way of...
26 miesięcy temu
William Cobbett: a Green guru?
The Guardian
The 19th-century chronicler of rural England displayed a similar mix of radicalism and conservatism to modern Greens.
161 miesięcy temu
The Upside Down: The Cobbett Conundrum
Byline Times
There are few things more enjoyable in English political writing than William Cobbett in full flow. Here he is on tea: “I view the tea...
41 miesięcy temu
Linda Colley · I am the Watchman: William Cobbett, forerunner of the Sun
London Review of Books
It is partly because so much appears to be known about William Cobbett (1763-1835) that he is insufficiently understood.
250 miesięcy temu
The radical's radical
The Guardian
Richard Ingrams celebrates the tempestuous life of a 19th-century contrarian in The Life and Adventures of William Cobbett
231 miesięcy temu
William Cobbett: forgotten chronicler of England
The Telegraph
It is the anniversary on March 9 of the birth of a man esteemed historian AJP Taylor described as the second greatest Englishman ever to have lived.
103 miesiące temu
William Cobbett: found in the swop box
The Architects’ Journal
[THIS WEEK] James Pallister finds the Golden Age in a swap box at Warwick Parkway station.
131 miesięcy temu
In the footsteps of William Cobbett
Farnham Herald
The highlight of this year's Rural Ride by the William Cobbett Society and friends from the Farnham Society was a private visit to Rotherfield Park.
73 miesiące temu
Walking in a William Cobbett winter wonderland...
Alton Herald
CHILDREN at William Cobbett Primary School enjoyed a Winter Wonderland Christmas tree decorating competition before breaking up for the...
32 miesiące temu
William Cobbett Primary School pupil’s artwork chosen for Young Artists’ show
Farnham Herald
William Cobbett Primary School submitted an array of artwork into this year's Young Artists' Summer Show at the Royal Academy.
27 miesięcy temu