Discourses on Livy is the founding document of modern republicanism, and Harvey C. Mansfield and Nathan Tarcov have provided the definitive English translation of this classic work.
... Titus Livius as he argues against haste in author- izing presidential use of " whatever force he deems necessary in Iraq or elsewhere . " He then charges that the president exhibits the flaw that was the source of Greek tragedies ...
Titus Livius. fultabant , confilium de iis Carthagine erat , certabatur fententris utrum in author res tantum feditionis erant auten numero haud plus quam V. & XXX . ) animad uerteretur , an pluriū fupplicio uindicadatam fordi exempli ...
... Livius , ( TITUS . ) See LIVY . Liv'I - us An - dro - ni'cus , a popular Roman dramatist and actor , who began his career as an author about 240 B.C. The place of his birth is unknown . He is regarded He composed as the earliest ...
... ( In author's 1854-57 . v . 2. ) 1 JA19 v.2 Little Lucy's wonderful globe ... ( In author's Har- 1854-57 . v . 12. ) 1 JA19 v.12 J : 2 v . D. 1852 . Little ... Titus Livius Patavinus . ) from Livy ; tr . by Alf . J : CHURCH . 1883 ...
... in author of a " Review of the Military Operations in North the speeches is almost miraculous . " But he was ... Livius , ( TITUS . ) See LIVY . and actor , who began his career as an author about 240 Liv'I - us An - dro - ni'cus ...
LIVIUS LOBLOLLY - PINE continental congress , and served on the deposited ... in author , born in New York City in 1847 . From 1872 to 1885 he was ... Titus , Patavinus , often called Livy , a celebrated Roman his- torian ...
Titus Livius. interuallú regni fuit.id ab re , qnunc quoq tenet nomen , interregnú appellatú.Freme re dein plebs ... in Author Nefertorn diere quiis fix . mos Trat ftosq ; fecit , quia aliqñ nihil cum LIBER PRIMVS : 9.
... Titus . The town was betrayed to the enemy ; forty thousand of the inhab- itants were cut to pieces , and twelve ... Livy more than any other history . His ' Jewish Antiquities , ' in twenty books , is likewise an excel- earliest ...