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inauthor: Thomas West z
... Thomas emigrated West . James was a farmer . Phoebe married Mr. McCrea . Daugherty mar- ried and moved West . Sally ... in . - AUTHOR . ] EARTH - WORKS . Mound embracing two acres , twelve feet high and sixty feet in circumference ...
inauthor: Thomas West z
... in Author of ing of llis . Cleveland . BOURSON , PAU of the Frer Alsace ... THOMAS . Indian Political Department . Gold Medallist of the Royal Fuel . Geographical Society , 1916 . Turkestan , West ... University , Cleveland , Ohio ...
inauthor: Thomas West z
Thomas Deloney. home , their husbands had no little to do : Elpecially Simon , whole wife daily lay at him for ... inby , we are country folkes , and mult képe ourselves in good compale : gray ruffet , and good home- ( pun cloth ...
inauthor: Thomas West z
... in Author's City - Plate VIII . Tile - work Wall - in the Children's Ward , St. Thomas's Hospital , London · Timber Dwellings in an American Garden Village Two - tenement Workman's Dwelling in the Garden Village of Serrières ...
inauthor: Thomas West z
... Thomas's Hospital . Author of the following and other papers : - " Secondary and Tertiary Degenerations in the Spinal Cord of the Dog " ( Journ Physiol . , 1885 ) ; “ Degenerations in the Spinal Cord following Lesions of the Cortex ...
inauthor: Thomas West z
... Thomas G. Alexander , April 1984 , in author's possession ; Allotment Analysis Handbook , 1958 , Chapter 4 , pp . 1-6 . See : File : Bridger National Forest , No. 2 , Grazing Allotment Analysis , Condition and Trend Map , Usability Map ...
inauthor: Thomas West z
... THOMAS MILLER , Author of " A Day in the Woods , " A Novel . By Lady CHARLOTTE BURY , A IN Author of " Flirtation ... West end Depôt , No. 9 Agar street , West Strand , opposite Charing cross Hospital ; also of Messrs Bar- elay and ...
inauthor: Thomas West z
... THOMAS'S HOSPITAL MEDICAL SCHOOL , Albert Embankment , London , 8.E. of SCARCE PRINTS ( chronologically arranged ) , DRAWINGS , and BOOKS by J. M. W. TURNER , R.A. , Professor RUSKIN , and others . With an Introductory Notice , and an ...
inauthor: Thomas West z
... Thomas ' Hospital . The degree is nowadays scarcely ever con- ferred , except on persons already qualified as medical practitioners , though the opposite was frequently the case in bygone years . The first home of the College of Phy ...
inauthor: Thomas West z
... Thomas ' Hospital . The degree is nowadays scarcely ever con- ferred , except on persons already qualified as medical practitioners , though the opposite was frequently the case in bygone years . The first home of the College of Phy ...