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inauthor: Thomas Taylor z
Crown Creek News. "Those who have experienced the messy job of carrying coal inBy ... Tom Taylor, Mr. and steam steam Mrs. G. F. Nance, Mr. and Mrs. ng. Thai's 31 ... Tom Jarman and boys of Wades- , boro; Miss Rachel Flake and Elida ...
inauthor: Thomas Taylor z
... Thomas Taylor. He said the payback. would come In terms of reduced energy costs over the next three years. The board ... inBy. dividual ability level and places an emphasis on time and accuracy, according to officials. It Is taught ...
inauthor: Thomas Taylor z
... Tom Taylor, by the way, .is Use author of "Lord Dundrcarx'.*' To show the trell-e'stablished fact that an|-in Author is rcval?y the poorest judpre of h's Tvork, Sir. Taylor never considered JDundreary'* -seriously and only ellowed Us ...
inauthor: Thomas Taylor z
CHEZ HODS I AM In AUTHOR. —La Legislature des Territoiaussi. Nord-Ouest prorogee samedi dernier. —Sir Chs ... Thomas Taylor. — Le premier ministre Green- way est parti la lundi dernier pour Ottawa, ou il va essayer de bacler 1 ...
inauthor: Thomas Taylor z
... Thomas II. Taylor to OarnHne V. Thornton, iim-the-ast corner Thirtieth and West streets. From Bernard MaoMakin to ... inby 10 Anna R. Hiinby, house jiorth.-awi. corner Fnur- teenih nnd Market afreets. From Harry Ycrg.'r 10 OJiarlos ...
inauthor: Thomas Taylor z
... Thomas Taylor, a doctor of pharmacy with the University of Georgia and associate clinical professor at MCG, and Dr. Larry Hornsby, a psychologist with the MCG Department of Family Medicine, hope to help take some of the guesswork out of ...
inauthor: Thomas Taylor z
... Thomas. Purnell and Queen West. ' Albert and Dclores Yanccy. GIRLS Thomas and Mable Boykln. James and Coa Bynum. Oliver and Elva Chase. Arthur and Josephine Dorgin. John and Melrose Garner. Shirley Gordon, Thruman and Catherine Herring ...
inauthor: Thomas Taylor z
Top weekend movies as. April 8 - 10 grosses nationwide. Taylor (Tom Berenger) ... University 4, Moscow *l/2 (PG) It's the sequel nobody needed, but for better ... in author Roddy Doyle's Barrytown trilogy. This story of an unwed ...
inauthor: Thomas Taylor z
Turtles To'. (Continued I'Tom rage lj. nnd (he two monlloiiPd nbove ... Taylor, Sherwm Williams Co, Joe Sollandcr, Ethel Thomas Beauty Salon. Billy ... inby C. Mam- mole, Inc., McCalls E«so Scrvire, Paul E Middleton, C. F Miller ...
inauthor: Thomas Taylor z
... inby and Gilmour toscll by auction, at UO Brunswick-street, Fitzroy, on ... TAYLOR (late Stubbs and Taylor) is T T instructed by Wm. Filgate, Esq., to ... Thomas Cahlll. By Order uf the Executor and Executrix — Mrs. CahlU and Mr ...