Thomas Hartwell Horne był angielskim teologiem i bibliotekarzem. Wikipedia (angielski)
Data i miejsce urodzenia: 20 października 1780, Londyn, Wielka Brytania
Data i miejsce śmierci: 27 stycznia 1862, Bloomsbury Square, Londyn, Wielka Brytania
Zredagowane dzieła: The Works of the Right Rev. William Beveridge: An exposition of the Thirty-nine articles of the Church of England, The Works of the Right Rev. William Beveridge ...: With a Memoir of the Author, and a Critical Examination of His Writings, The Works of the Right Rev. William Beveridge: Thesaurus theologicus i więcej
Wykształcenie: Christ's Hospital
An Introduction to the Criticism of the Old Testament and to Biblical Interpretation: With an Analysis of the Books of the Old Testament and Apocrypha
An Introduction To The Critical Stuod And Knowledge Of The Holy Scriptures Vol-I
Outlines for the Classification of a Library: Respectfully Submitted to the Consideration of the Trustees of the British Museum : Official Copy for the Use of the Trustees (not Published).
A Manual of Parochial Psalmody
Popery, the Enemy and the Falsifier of Scripture: Or, Facts and Evidences, Illustrative of the Conduct of the Modern Church of Rome; in Prohibiting the Reading and Circulation of the Holy Scriptures in the Vulgar Tongue; and Also of the Falsification O
The Complete Grazier, Or, Farmer and Cattle-dealer's Assistant...: Together With a Synoptical Table of the Different Breeds of Neat Cattle, Sheep and Swine ...