The novels of Scottish writer Agnes C. Hall, pseud. “Rosalia St. Clair,” have received no critical attention. Hall, however, interestingly revises the ...
Informazioni bibliografiche ; Autore, Rosalia St. Clair (pseud.) ; pubblicato, 1820 ; Provenienza dell'originale, Oxford University ; Digitalizzato, 17 gen 2007.
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Informazioni bibliografiche ; Autore, Rosalia St. Clair (pseud.) ; pubblicato, 1820 ; Provenienza dell'originale, Oxford University ; Digitalizzato, 17 gen 2007.
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Previously listed under 'ST. CLAIR, Rosalia [pseud.]'. For identification of Agnes Crombie Hall as the author underlying this pseudonym, see updated. Notes ...
Clavering Tower · Rosalia St Clair · Hardcover. $39.95 · 39 ; Marston: A Novel. in Three Volumes. by a Lady [i.E. Rosalia St. Clair, Pseud] Volume 1 · Rosalia Pseud ...
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"Rosalia St Clair" (fl. 1819-34) is a pseudonym for Agnes C. Hall, who wrote 13 novels using the pseudonym. Minerva Press published her earlier works and ...
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last of which appeared under the pseudonym of Rosalia St. Clair and all of which were published by A. K. Newman. Agnes Hall was a native of Roxburghshire ...
Albaladejo Vivero, Manuel (2007) 'Algunas consideraciones críticas sobre los viajes de Eudoxo de Cícico'.
SKEPTICISM TOWARDS SANTA ROSALIA, OR WHY ARE THERE SO FEW KINDS OF ANIMALS? ... Homage to Santa Rosalia or Why Are There So Many Kinds of Animals?