... in author- ".uuVe "ircle." as Mr. Sinclair's probable successor. Forecasts also focus on the name of Dr. L. J. Simpson, Df Simcoe. but Dr. McQuibban's greater :cni:.rity in the House is regarded as a major point in his favor. HEPBURN TO ...
... Mr. Town- son Townsend, former member of tho gtaff ot f^e Lexington Herald send in author memory of "The of Old the famous Folks At In Great Britain the Medical Research Council makes available each year an analysis of the uses duced by ...
... Mr. Mitchell also favored an intensive campaign to "sell" the advantages of ... town puaip to commemorate the bravery of American patriots -who burned ... in author- ity. They are, from left to right: A. II. Dalziel, Senior Grand ...
SILVERMINE. fllev. 'Mr. Purdy left town for Washington, D. C., Thursday ... In author- • ity, the district committee, 5s- a man who has no interest ... In author- • ity, the district committee, 5s- a man who has no interest ...
... Mr. Ferguson' Is i mystery. . He comes out now on government t control of ... in author: , n.nv i en, ->r .. place 'it-.. ;.t|tior ->.... •. . , -nly to e ... Mr. Ferguson bring back the liquor, let the pooi -.forking man have ...
BolUlfliem Beams. rilE election Monday in this town- ship resulted in ... in author-. Miss Compton of Roscoa is visiting Miaa Mabel Finley. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Randies were guests ot Mr. Alex. Randies recently. Mr. Gray Talmage of tho city ...
19s, lid, Mr. J. Raymond Ball IN author larrt In swiTC Ions An this JUST RECEIVED Locals and Other Items. PER "CITY VANCOUVER," Waterloo- H. 8. Foster KM. »T Knowlton WM in town on Monday. ON mi IF IROR 0. i; Fooler of Montreal Sunday ...
... in author r. Vhriu'ltevlV D. Walker w,U hold d connrmatlon servlco Wednesday evening g at St. J.uko'B church, Fulrp-rt. of which h church Kev. Mr ... town of U-ryal- l ,„„, held at U.,yr,:-ori r, nl«.-r yesterday, y the ... village l)u ...
... Mr. Clark, whose estate is called "Over- lake" Mr. Wilson is at present a gu ... In Author of "I N«-e«l riiee Every Hour" and Other AVell KIIO>TII A Mrs ... town from Holderness. N. H.. where she and her family will remain until ...
JOHN B. JONES,. Town Clerk. Town Hall, Fitzrov, 3rd November, 1S«. rr-RSKINE ... Mr. J-.lm Vale. Recitation, Bongs' aud Melodies. Admiiilon, free. MECHANICS ... in, author of Brain and Intellect, Man'* Organlu Constitution, &c ...