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inauthor: Joseph Jones z
... Jones'1 has received .1 Blowing u-tbure and Jorry left this I from no less an authorltj than Arnold Bermott, tho English writer. So C'ohun hus -oneliuled that its --in author .imJ produpor h. '•an .mm-,; a srpatpr su --cs» than .in ...
inauthor: Joseph Jones z
ST. JOSEPH, AHA.. WE MAY SQUARE. I In lulu. NATIONAL AFFAIRS. tilt. Itom tin ... In author- uiMinoxtot'Mon bcvoud tho (into nlroidy flxcti CJIm.KHA AT ... Jones of tho jdepeiidcnt urdor of udd Fellows, has received a number ot ...
inauthor: Joseph Jones z
... Jones, absent for several weeks. will return to tholr radio audiences tonight with a new selection of. songs nml ... In author nnd nliyylnB tho title role in "The World* PrliKht," n. radio drama, to be presented over station WI3BS ...
inauthor: Joseph Jones z
... In. Author Bill Adler is the moderator and Greg Morris and George Plimpton are guests. 4:30-5 (CBS) — Animal ... Jones, Gregory Peck, Joseph Cotten, Lionel Barrymore, Lillian Gish, Charles Bickford, Walter Huston and more names ...
inauthor: Joseph Jones z
... In. Author Bill Adler is the moderator and Greg Morris and George Plimpton are guests. 5:30-6 (CBS)-Animal World ... Jones, Gregory Peck, Joseph Cotten, Lionel Barrymore, Lillian Gish. Charles Bickford, Walter Huston and more names ...
inauthor: Joseph Jones z
... In." Author Bill Adler is the moderator and Greg Morris and George Plimpton are guests. Channels 9, 10. (Color) ... Jones, Gregory Peck, Joseph Cotten, Lionel Barrymore, Lillian Gish, Charles Bickford, Walter Huston and more names ...
inauthor: Joseph Jones z
... in author Larry McMurtry's saga that began with his Pulitzer Prize Hovel ... Joseph Sargent. Now old, grizzled and badly used by time, Woodrow Call ... Jones eventually played so well. It's fortuitous that Garner finally caught ...
inauthor: Joseph Jones z
... Joseph Conrad's "Victory" on NBC (8:30-10). This, unfortunately is in conflict with a CBS rebroad- cast of a special "Salute to the American Theater* (9-10), an excellent show many missed first ... Jones star in "Author at Work^-XNBC,
inauthor: Joseph Jones z
... In author! ty are bitterly opposed to lettii g the light shine in on the ... Jones Chuirmau of tr>e Nation. al Coin nit tee and. tatlve Babcock Chairman of ... Joe Dow ling collector of Internal Revenue for the Cincinnati District ...
inauthor: Joseph Jones z
... Jones and daughter wil close tht . house on Eighth avenue and spend tbe ... Joseph Rederor and wife to. Sweeney vs, Catherine -..--^division of property ... in author* authority - -'- in educational --' and public public station ...