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John Bunyan Bridgers Obituary 2024
Joyners Funeral Home & Crematory
John Bunyan Bridgers, 91 of Wilson passed away Monday, August 12, 2024. John retired from Electric Supply of Wilson. John is survived by his...
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John Bunyan’s Christian at Three Hundred
Christianity Today
Despite its age people still read “The Pilgrim's Progress”. At first, people think I'm talking about the lumberjack fellow with the blue ox.
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God Behind Bars: John Bunyan, Pilgrim’s Progress, and Chuck Colson
In November of 1660, Puritan lay preacher John Bunyan was arrested and subsequently spent the next 12 years in prison.
10 miesięcy temu
What can AI technique make of John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress?
Social media is full of pictures made with artificial intelligence (AI). We have seen images of Pope Francis with a fancy jacket.
8 miesięcy temu
The Refreshment of Unlikely Friendship: Why John Owen Needed John Bunyan
Desiring God
John Owen and John Bunyan shared little in common — but they did share Christ. And the result was a surprising, wonderful friendship.
39 miesięcy temu
The Pilgrim’s Calling: John Bunyan’s “Pilgrim’s Progress”
The Imaginative Conservative
John Bunyan's “The Pilgrim's Progress” contains a shift away from institutional idealism and toward a separationist theology that revived the Theology of...
41 miesięcy temu
Fearless Pilgrim: The Life and Times of John Bunyan
The Gospel Coalition
Fearless Pilgrim: The Life and Times of John Bunyan is Faith Cook's contribution to the ever-growing list of John Bunyan biographies.
54 miesiące temu
Local author says Bedford can do more to celebrate John Bunyan
Bedford Independent
A local author says Bedford needs to make more of its most famous son, John Bunyan and his book The Pilgrim's Progress, which is the third.
66 miesięcy temu
On the Road with John Bunyan
The Gospel Coalition
John Bunyan (1628–1688) taught me was that the journey isn't only external; it's also, perhaps primarily, internal.
102 miesiące temu
The work of a lifetime: Ralph Vaughan Williams and John Bunyan’s The Pilgrim’s Progress
John Bunyan's allegory occupied Ralph Vaughan Williams for a lifetime, culminating in the 1951 stage work, premiered at Covent Garden.
24 miesiące temu