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When a billionaire calls, UF censors students.
The Independent Florida Alligator
On Aug. 23, the Foundation for Individual Rights and Expression (FIRE) wrote a scathing public letter to UF General Counsel Amy Meyers Hass...
miesiąc temu
Greenlight Capital’s clash with a former employee has captivated the hedge-fund world
James Fishback, 29, says he was employed as Head of Macro at Greenlight Capital. The New York hedge fund says that position never existed.
5 miesięcy temu
If David Einhorn and Disgruntled Former Employee Can Agree On Anything, It’s That The Greenlight Chief Is Prone To Melancholy
Greenlight Capital says James Fishback is a liar. The 29-year-old hedge fund manager and former employee, contrary to his own proclamations, was never “head of...
4 miesiące temu
Greenlight Capital in legal battle with James Fishback, a former employee, over head of macro title
Sherwood News
A former Greenlight employee sued the hedge fund, alleging it misrepresented his employment history....
5 miesięcy temu
Greenlight's alleged former head of macro is hoping to get at least $5 million from David Einhorn, claiming age discrimination
Business Insider
James Fishback and his former employer Greenlight Capital have been in a legal battle since last October.
miesiąc temu
Einhorn’s Greenlight Slams ‘Head of Macro’ in Fresh Lawsuit
David Einhorn's Greenlight Capital Inc. escalated a legal battle with a former employee who claims he was head of macro trading at the firm,...
4 miesiące temu
How does the Fed undo its latest mistake? Azoria's James Fishback on Powell's moves and the election
(Kitco News) - The Federal Reserve got ahead of itself earlier this year thinking it had inflation whipped, said James Fishback,...
3 miesiące temu
Incubate Debate Takes On “Woke” National Speech and Debate Association
The Heritage Foundation
Incubate Debate founder James Fishback recently brought them together to hold a joint master class to prepare students for the national championship.
6 miesięcy temu
When a Book Ban Isn’t a Book Ban
The Free Press
A new report claims record numbers of books are being censored. James Fishback says that there's more to the story.
6 miesięcy temu
David Einhorn is suing the former employee who claimed to be his head of macro. Here are the most eye-catching parts of Greenlight's lawsuit.
Business Insider
Greenlight Capital is suing former employee James Fishback. The lawsuit states Fishback lied about his role and performance at the firm.
4 miesiące temu