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The Dread Cancer of Stinginess
Christianity Today
When it comes to missions giving, donor dependency may not be the greatest problem.
miesiąc temu
RODGERS: Serving man while serving God
The North State Journal
Newton persuaded Wilberforce that he could stay in politics and serve God if only he could focus on a worthwhile aim.
miesiąc temu
Transforming Mission Theology
The Gospel Coalition
This book is a compilation of writings by missiologist Charles Van Engen, who has taught biblical theology of mission at Fuller Theological Seminary for more...
54 miesiące temu
Primate of Nigeria's address to the primates of the Council of Anglican Provinces in Africa meeting in Abuja on July 10, 2024
Anglican Ink
The Church of Nigeria is hosting the Retreat of the Council of the Anglican Provinces of Africa (CAPA) holding here in Abuja, Nigeria.
2 miesiące temu
Charles Simeon – a light in a dark place
Evangelical Times
Simeon made a bold stand for evangelical Anglicanism – his authority was first the Bible, then the Liturgy, then all other book.
187 miesięcy temu
For Fathers of Young Children: Lessons from the Last Graduation
Desiring God
The years of fatherhood are few and precious. The days may seem long, the sleep short, and the seasons tiring, but in the end,...
14 miesięcy temu
Nathaniel King
University of Aberdeen
Nathaniel King, the University's second black student and the first born in Sub-Saharan Africa [1] . Nathaniel, whose parents were liberated slaves, gained a...
46 miesięcy temu
Missions from the Third World
Christianity Today
The phenomenon of Third World missions is now a fact of life, and a development we can thank God for.
miesiąc temu
5 slavery sites in Seychelles from the colonial period
Seychelles News Agency
From a rock where many slaves were murdered, to the French pirate Jean-Francois Hodoul, who had large concessions of land, to a plantation house with its...
2 miesiące temu
Why it's time for a festival to celebrate Hull's number-crunching maths genius
Hull Live
A festival marking the centenary of the death of Hul's most famous number-cruncher. I'm talking about John Venn, the city-born mathematician and philosopher.
21 miesięcy temu