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inauthor: George III (King of Great Britain) z
... King ; by " One of His Majesty's Servants " C28U11 Eikon Basilike . Charles ... III , the Crown Prince and the German Imperial Crown ; by G. Freytag . Frederick II ( the Great ) ... Britain and Ireland ) and VI ( of Scotland ) : by T. F. ...
inauthor: George III (King of Great Britain) z
... in ' Author and Printer , ' 385 Cornwall , Philip Nycolls and the rebellion ... English artist , 1710-44 , 35 Chatt ( George ) his lines on Elsdon village , 45 Chaucer , final e in , 36 Chelsea , " famous , " derivation of the name , 33 , 95 ...
inauthor: George III (King of Great Britain) z
... king of Scotland , was related to the blood royal by his mother , Isabella of Scot- land . He was the competitor of Baliol for the crown on the death of Alexander III ... GEORGE , or GREGORY , an English RIDLEY , GLOSTER , an English ...
inauthor: George III (King of Great Britain) z
... great for the Government to control ; and then it becomes a matter of discretion , not a matter of constitutional ... Britain and America , and the question whether the State shall belong to Great Britain , or remain one of the ...
inauthor: George III (King of Great Britain) z
... and a project for a tunnel at Gravesend . He also wrote on subjects connected with his profession . B. in Northumberland , 1761 ; D. in consequence of an accident , 1822.— His son , George Dodd , was also an engineer , and planned , and ...
inauthor: George III (King of Great Britain) z
... in author of " Letters between Theodosius and Con- her Teens . " Mr. Garrick , amidst his professional stantia , " " Effusions of Friendship and Fancy , pursuits , and the blaze of his glory , was not ... in London GEORGE III .. 563.
inauthor: George III (King of Great Britain) z
... iii . 11 it is related " For only Og king of Bashan remained of the remnant of Giants ; behold his bedstead was a ... George Grey , that after he had signed one public commission to a person under the name of Jones , he refused to ...
inauthor: George III (King of Great Britain) z
... George Dodd , was also an engineer , and planned , and for a time ... great and merited reputation by his several charges made by Lord Macaulay in ... king ; in 1771 , he viency of his character , came into Parliament in ...
inauthor: George III (King of Great Britain) z
... and Work of Christ . new book is a genuine contribution to Christology . " His British Weekly . CHRISTIAN MISSIONS AND SOCIAL PROGRESS . A Sociological Study of Foreign Missions . Volume III . completing the Work . By the Rev. JAMES S ...
inauthor: George III (King of Great Britain) z
... from the Time of Edward III . to Queen Victoria ; containing upwards of One Hundred interesting Biographies , including the Parliamentary History of England , from authentic Documents , royal 8vo . new cloth , 7s 6d ( pub . at £ 1 . 18 ) ...