... William M. , 118 Meschianza dance music discovered , 158 Message to special ... Whitaker , 26 Montgomery , Thomas Lynch , appointed State Librarian , 284 Moody , Col. Samuel , 309 , 447 Moore Hall bought by author's mother , 203 Moore , J.
... W. - Our Inheritance in the Old Testament , Sermons , 3/6 . Sonnenschein ... E. W. - The Witness of the Stars , 7/6 .... Bullinger CAVE , A. - The ... Whitaker Rivington and Percival FARRAR , F. W. - The Expositor's Bible ...
... E. D.Stapleton in Actor.19.v.5.We must beleine and ftedfaftly beleine , that those twelue Ephefians had beene before baptized of Ibon . PRO- 1 PROTESTANTS EXPRESSELY DENIE . Whitaker lib.8 . cont . Dur 262 Chap . 9. OF BAPTISME .
... William A. Lewin , M. D. liquidation of American securities for German ... ed - at my own feet of course - and had to snatch up a copy of Collier's ... WHITAKER , President . WE issue Certificates of Deposit in Sums of $ 50.00 ...
... in author- ship for undertaking the great task of making a series of books ... William and George Frothingham , twin brothers , who had been left orphans ... Whitaker & Ray Company . Boards . 170 pp . The author of these retold ...
... in author's hand , also Hamper - Ellis copy , inscribed by them ) . DE ( 566 ) ... Whitaker copy as noted in 1700 on fly - leaf ) . XX ( 416 ) $ 875.00 ... Ed . by Moses Browne . Plates . Lond . , 1750. 12mo . Lev . mor . , tooled ...
... W :, lib . without fiction , 20925 . Koehler , S. R. , Am . art rev . , adv ... ed . note , S421 ; for pub . libs . , ( Homes ) 262-7 ; rep . of com ... ( Whitaker ) 166 , adv . , 10512 ; and librns of N. Y. , 13329 ; and schools ...