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What is the Paley's theory?
The English clergyman William Paley posited a version of the teleological argument for the existence of God using a watch for analogy. The complex, minuscule parts of a watch work together in harmony to keep time, and the existence of such a device implies the existence of its maker.
What is Paley's natural theology summary?
The main thrust of William Paley's argument in Natural Theology is that God's design of the whole creation can be seen in the general happiness, or well-being, that is evident in the physical and social order of things.
What was William Paley best known for?
William Paley was an English clergyman, Christian apologist, philosopher, and utilitarian. He is best known for his natural theology exposition of the teleological argument for the existence of God in his work Natural Theology or Evidences of the Existence and Attributes of the Deity.
What is Paley's moral and political philosophy?
For Paley, the moral basis of political obligation resided in the same standard that animated his ethics, “the Will of God as Collected from Expediency.” Just as in nature where each part of a contrivance contributed to the efficient functioning of the whole, so in politics individuals needed to fit their own abilities ...
Szczegóły książki · Długość wersji drukowanej. 412 str. · Wydawca. Legare Street Press · Data publikacji. 27 października 2022 · Wymiary. 15.6 x 2.39 x 23.39 cm.
Ten przedmiot nie jest już dostępny. · Zakończone · EUR 42,84 · Pt, 06 wrz, 12:49 · Zobacz oryginalną ofertę ...
This collection provides an in-depth analysis of William Paley's work, examining his views on the evidence of Christianity and how it relates to modern ...
Autor: William Paley, Edmund Paley ; Wydawnictwo: Kessinger Publishing, LLC ; Rok wydania: 2010 ; Okładka: miękka ; Liczba stron: 564 ...
Podstawowe informacje. Autor, Edmund Paley,James Paxton. Okładka Okładka książki to zewnętrzna część, która chroni i prezentuje treść.
Szukasz książki The Works of William Paley: Evidences of Christianity od: Edmund Paley? Kup w sprawdzonym sklepie w korzystnej cenie.
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