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Female reproductive life span is extended by targeted removal of fibrotic collagen from the mouse ovary
Science | AAAS
The female ovary contains a finite number of oocytes, and their release at ovulation becomes sporadic and disordered with aging and with...
29 miesięcy temu
Female reproductive life span is extended by targeted removal of fibrotic collagen from the mouse ovary
Science | AAAS
The female ovary contains a finite number of oocytes, and their release at ovulation becomes sporadic and disordered with aging and with obesity,...
28 miesięcy temu
‘Nursing must take a united position on clinical supervision’
Nursing Times
The Royal College of Nursing's professional lead for mental health Stephen Jones on how it is imperative that nurses take a united position...
31 miesięcy temu
Innovative strategies to predict and prevent the risk for malnutrition in child, adolescent, and young adult cancer survivors
The goal of this review is to comprehensively examine the existing evidence on potential nutritional interventions for CAYAs cancer survivors.
5 miesięcy temu
Nutritional status, body composition and diet quality in children with cancer
During cancer treatment, nutritional status disorders such as malnutrition or obesity affect the tolerance of cancer treatment, quality of life,...
7 miesięcy temu
Resistance evolution can disrupt antibiotic exposure protection through competitive exclusion of the protective species
Antibiotic degrading bacteria can reduce the efficacy of drug treatments by providing antibiotic exposure protection to pathogens.
28 miesięcy temu
Depletion of oocyte dynamin-related protein 1 shows maternal-effect abnormalities in embryonic development
Science | AAAS
We find that Drp1-deleted oocytes undergo fertilization and preimplantation development but that peri- and postimplantation embryonic lethality is markedly...
29 miesięcy temu
Inter-species interactions alter antibiotic efficacy in bacterial communities
We demonstrate that multi-drug resistant Stenotrophomonas maltophilia can provide high levels of antibiotic protection to otherwise sensitive P. aeruginosa.
37 miesięcy temu
Follicular metabolic alterations are associated with obesity in mares and can be mitigated by dietary supplementation
We hypothesized that obesity in the mare promotes follicular lipid accumulation and altered mitochondrial function of oocytes and granulosa cells.
8 miesięcy temu
Setting up a national clinical supervision subject expert group
Nursing Times
Abstract The Covid-19 pandemic has reignited discussions about the importance of clinical supervision. This article looks at how a subject...
34 miesiące temu