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Wesley Nicholson Whitby Obituary 2024
Williams Funeral Home and Crematory
Wesley Nicholson “Skinny” Whitby, age 75, a lifelong resident of Brunswick County, VA, passed away Sunday, March 3, 2024.
7 miesięcy temu
PGA professional Daniel Whitby-Smith living the dream at the Belfry
DP World Tour
PGA professional Daniel Whitby-Smith will realise his lifelong ambition of playing on the DP World Tour at this week's Betfred British Masters hosted by Sir...
15 miesięcy temu
Joyce Elaine Rose Obituary 2024
Williams Funeral Home and Crematory
Joyce Elaine Rose, age 82, of Lawrenceville, VA, passed away Sunday, March 10, 2024. She was preceded in death by the love of her life,...
7 miesięcy temu
Mammal Photographer of the Year 2021
BBC Wildlife Magazine
View the winning and highly commended images from this year's Mammal Photographer of the Year competition.
41 miesięcy temu
Bat-killing fungus linked to increase in infant mortality rate, loss of farming revenue
Courthouse News
a fungus ripped through bat populations in the U.S. it didn't just affect bats — through a series of knock-on effects, it also hampered farmers'...
miesiąc temu
TowBoatUS Comes to Lake Oconee
Trade Only Today
It wasn't until after helping in two hurricane-relief efforts that Brandy and Daniel Whitby realized their passion for assisting boaters.
76 miesięcy temu
How do bats live with so many viruses? New bat stem cells hint at an answer
Science | AAAS
Compared with other mammals, bats are notorious for hosting more viruses that are dangerous to people but not themselves.
19 miesięcy temu
Bat activity lower at solar farm sites, study finds
The activity level of six bat species was significantly reduced at solar farm sites, researchers have observed.
14 miesięcy temu
Researchers study first stem cells from a bat species known to harbor SARS-CoV-2
Researchers from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai have generated the first induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) from bats,...
19 miesięcy temu
Study unravels key behind bat’s superpowers
Tech Explorist
Bats possess extraordinary adaptations, including flight, echolocation, extreme longevity, and unique immunity. Now, scientists from the...
50 miesięcy temu