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Spell It Out by David Crystal – review
The Guardian
We quite often talk, colloquially, about the written language having "evolved". As the linguist David Crystal's new book demonstrates with...
144 miesiące temu
Spell It Out: The Singular Story of English Spelling by David Crystal – review
The Guardian
David Crystal is fascinating, fastidious and full of knowledge on the subject of English spelling – though a little hard on Dr Seuss.
145 miesięcy temu
David Crystal: champion of the English language
The Guardian
For more than 30 years, David Crystal has been producing books, articles, radio and TV programmes and interviews by the gallon-load, and 2010 yielded a bumper...
165 miesięcy temu
2b or not 2b?
The Guardian
Texting has not been the disaster for language many feared, argues linguistics professor David Crystal. On the contrary, it improves children's writing and...
195 miesięcy temu
Watch what you're saying!: Linguist David Crystal on Twitter, texting and our native tongue
The Independent
Were the English language ever to need an official guardian, Professor David Crystal certainly looks the part. With a godly white beard,...
174 miesiące temu
Interview: David Crystal, linguistics scholar and writer on the English language
Church Times
Growing up in a bilingual community in North Wales triggered my curiosity about languages, reinforced by learning some Latin to serve mass,...
82 miesiące temu
Txting: the gr8 db8 by David Crystal
The Guardian
In his study of text messaging culture, linguist David Crystal asks us to picture the investors' meeting when the mobile phone was first...
179 miesięcy temu
David Crystal's top 10 books on the English language
The Guardian
Professor David Crystal is one the world's foremost linguistic experts. His latest book, The Fight for English (published by OUP) assesses the debate over...
216 miesięcy temu
David Crystal, patron of IATEFL
The PIE News
We caught up with leading English language expert and patron to IATEFL, David Crystal, at the organisation's conference this week.
126 miesięcy temu
Wordsmiths and Warriors by David and Hilary Crystal – review
The Guardian
The book is part history, part guide: the history predominates, yet there's also a fair amount of what David Crystal calls "basic travel advice".
132 miesiące temu