... in Author of a Māghamāhātmya in Oriya in 36 adh- yāyas . Manuscripts : PrSB 2511 ( Tübingen , Ma I 760 ) . 152ff . Oriya . Cop- ied on Tuesday 1 kṛṣṇapakṣa of Āṣāḍha in anka 41 of Rămacandradeva = 25 June 1850 . IO ( Oriya ) 1924 . PrSB ...
... in author , autumn . 4. By augh , in aught , naughty . 5. By aul , in baulk , caulk . 6. By aw , in raw , saw , awkward , awful . 7. By awe , in awe . 8. By o , in fortune , mortal , orchard . 9. By ough , in ought , thought . When ...
Held at Philadelphia for Promoting Useful Knowledge American Philosophical Society. cisely the same sound in point of ... in author , autumn . 4. By augh , in aught , naughty . 5. By aul , in baulk , caulk . 6. By aw , in raw , saw ...
American Philosophical Society. FIG . II . The ventral aspect of the sixth to the twelfth cervical vertebræ of an ... American Hawk Owl ( Surnia ulula caparoch ) . Natural size and mandible removed ( in author's private collection ) ...
... American Hawk Owl ( Surnia ulula caparoch ) . Natural size and mandible removed ( in author's private collection ) . FIG . 15. Superior aspect of the lower mandible of an adult specimen of Pulsatrix torquata . Natural size and from the ...
... in author's figures and descriptions of the latter . 71. CHARACIDIUM STEINDACHNERI , sp . nov . This , the third species of the genus , is of more slender form than either of the two known hitherto , and has a smaller number of ...
... in author's figures and descriptions of the latter . 71. CHARACIDIUM STEINDACHNERI , sp . nov . This , the third species of the genus , is of more slender form than either of the two known hitherto , and has a smaller number of ...
... Society , Lincoln . Bettelyoun , Susan Bordeaux . Papers . Nebraska State Historical Society , Lincoln . Bourke ... American Philosophical Society , Philadelphia . Transcripts at Colorado Historical Society , Denver . Fort Laramie ...
... American Philosophical Society , April 24 , 1964. In author's personal files . 140 : education and early career of Sam Chauncey : Author's interviews with Henry Chauncey , Jr. 141 : the old Yale : Author's interviews with John Morton ...
... in author's possession); Leslie A. Falk, interview with author, July 12, 1991, Montpelier, Vt. (tape in author's ... American Philosophical Society 90 (1946): 275-79. 16. Kerr, interview, 1989; Allen N. Koplin to Warren F. Draper ...