Polska nadal pozostaje w czołówce światowych producentów piwa, oferując ekscytujące doznania dla wszystkich miłośników tego szlachetnego trunku.
The restaurant in Browar serves modern diversified cuisine based on the heritage of the legendary gastronomy of Warsaw and Lviv. These dishes, varied with ...
Rating (684) · $$ - $$$
Browar Warszawski offers an unforgettable dining experience with its perfect blend of craft beer and fine cuisine in Warsaw. From the moment you walk in, the ...
Rating (656) · $$ - $$$
Perfect place, great kitchen and interesting choice of beer menu. I'd recommend to try beer sets to select your perfect beer. And a very polite and friendly ...
CK Browar - a PUB with a unique atmosphere! A unique interior design and delicious beer brewed on site deserve attention. Local beer, the only one in Krakow ...
Restauracja w Browarze serwuje współczesną zróżnicowaną kuchnię bazującą na dziedzictwie legendarnej gastronomii Warszawy i Lwowa. Dania te, urozmaicone ...
In a maze of eateries off the business district's Grzybowska, Browar Warszawski is a huge beerhall-style restaurant with an on-site brewery.
A unique restaurant with a craftsman brewery, multiple winner of culinary and brewery contests. Feel invited to the Gothic-style cellar located in the Old Town ...
We have a total irreverence for anything connected with society except that which makes the roads safer and the beer stronger.
Browar Warszawski to innowacyjny projekt łączący ze sobą zarówno elementy kuchni, kultury oraz rozrywki. Zlokalizowany jest w samym sercu kompleksu Browarów ...