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hikezji z
... hikeji on .the Columbia river Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. |!d pflpke drove to tarrah • • Saturday1 —" '- • ' ajid " • spent ' jthe an.d aughter, Mr,' and "fflrs. Clarence .Ja'jiseil andl daughters. On Sunday fiey :'aU •attended "" the Rodeo at ...
hikezji z
... HIKEJI. Heferoo. Plaintiff's Attorney, 15U Nassau itrcot, N. Y, rlhrd j.,., ..!.„,. p .i !,:» ui o sale of tho above described premises Is heredjourned to Wednesday, October as 1S78 ui tho 'liourand place.— Dated Mew York, October HT ...
hikezji z
... will be iised /or other •highway work, '.._'. Naturally the -tax hikeJi being, passed along to the consumer. But if Chatham 'County gets some of-lhose— new roads '.and road repair ^unds,— ihe-effects will -,be a little les& gainful herer.
hikezji z
Jap Scientist Offers to Die. SAN FRANCISCO— <U.R) —Dr. Hikeji Yagi, former president of the Japanese board of technology, offered to commit suicide yesterday to "atone" for his failure to produce weapons which would have defeated the ...
hikezji z
... hikeji from tne city decided to cross to Sutherland, a o.w«TM~ 8. of 16 miles. They lost their way «nd »«n dered for four hours before they were nld'ea II, up by passing motorlbts about »«* from Wverpoor-An old resident of Uverp U.18 ...
hikezji z
... hikeji in supplementary Estimated Oa tho whole, therefore, including the £3'.5ao,000 already spent, tho total extraordinary expenditure for the purpose* contemplated by Ihe Vote of Credit will amount t* £6.1)00,000, of which £1,500,000 ...