An ideal gift for new Catholics, this beautiful book will also be treasured by cantors, deacons, and all who appreciate the splendor of the holiest night of the Christian year.
At these high points of the liturgical year, the Proclamations announce Good News to the Church. You will find these three Proclamations in this special book. They are taken from the third edition of The Roman Missal.
... Exsultet . ) Since the Exsultet is more complex than other procla- mations deacons are famil- iar singing , I would suggest beginning practicing the setting the first week of Lent . Such early practice will help the deacon be ...
Diana Kodner. Exsultet T he Exsultet is the preeminent chant of cantor repertoire , both because of its difficulty and because of its importance in the liturgical year . Yet very few cantors have ever sung the Exsultet , or have seen ...