

make full use of and derive benefit from (a resource).
"500 companies sprang up to exploit this new technology"
synonyms: utilize, make use of, put to use, use, use to good advantage, turn/put to good use, make the most of, capitalize on, benefit from, turn to account, draw on, profit from/by, make capital out of, cash in on, milk

  1. a bold or daring feat.
    "the most heroic and secretive exploits of the war"
    synonyms: feat, deed, act, adventure, stunt, escapade, maneuver, enterprise, undertaking, move, achievement, accomplishment, attainment, triumph, handiwork, lark, caper
  2. a software tool designed to take advantage of a flaw in a computer system, typically for malicious purposes such as installing malware.
    "if someone you don't know tweets you a link, it's either spam, an exploit, or probably both"

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4 days ago · 1. to make productive use of : utilize exploiting your talents exploit your opponent's weakness 2. to make use of meanly or unfairly for one's own advantage.
to treat someone unfairly in order to make money or get an advantage: Laws exist to stop companies exploiting their employees.
The Exploit Database - Exploits, Shellcode, 0days, Remote Exploits, Local Exploits, Web Apps, Vulnerability Reports, Security Articles, Tutorials and more.
1. to get value or use from (something) He has never fully exploited his talents. Top athletes are able to exploit their opponents' weaknesses.
The verb exploit means to use someone or something, usually selfishly or for profit. Workers who are tired of being exploited by factory owners form unions.
An exploit is a method or piece of code that takes advantage of vulnerabilities in software, applications, networks, operating systems, or hardware, ...
3 days ago · Synonyms for EXPLOIT: use, leverage, manipulate, abuse, impose (on or upon), play (on or upon), pimp, walk on; Antonyms of EXPLOIT: ignore, ...
Strongest matches: accomplishment, adventure, deed, escapade, feat. Strong matches: attainment, coup, do, effort, enterprise, job, maneuver, performance, ...
An exploit is a code that takes advantage of a software vulnerability or security flaw. It is written either by security researchers as a proof-of-concept ...