... experimentum crucis . Critics often contested Newton's implied claim that the experimentum crucis rendered the performance of long series of trials unnecessary . For example , Newton criticised Lucas for his effort to perform large ...
... experimentum crucis falsified all theories that made white light simple ; that Michelson - Morley's experimentum crucis falsified all theories of physics that relied on the luminiferous aether as their indispensable component ; that ...
... experimentum crucis , but to instantias crucis , or decisive instances . In Novum organum 2.36 he used the Latin ' de natura judicare per Instantias Crucis et experi- menta lucifera ' ( to judge of nature by instances of the fingerpost ...
... experimentum crucis was received by his contemporaries . To begin , what is an ' experimentum crucis ' ? An experimentum crucis ( lit. ' experiment at a crossroads ' ) is an experiment designed to choose between two competing ...
... experimentum crucis before us . The term itself originates in Bacon's Novum Organum . Contrary to Duhem's assumption , it does not refer to a signpost at cross - roads giving various routes , nor is it connected with croix ou pile ...
... experimentum crucis . The Instantia Crucis ' of Bacon does not properly belong to the Experimental Methods of Induction . It is the decisive instance between two contending hypotheses . Thus , when the Copernican system was brought ...
... experimentum crucis, where the choice was between a successfully tested answer to the mystery and no answer at all. And denial of “the objective reality of molecules” would have been more difficult than before, if only because of the ...