experimentum crucis from
... experimentum crucis . Critics often contested Newton's implied claim that the experimentum crucis rendered the performance of long series of trials unnecessary . For example , Newton criticised Lucas for his effort to perform large ...
experimentum crucis from
... experimentum crucis , but to instantias crucis , or decisive instances . In Novum organum 2.36 he used the Latin ' de natura judicare per Instantias Crucis et experi- menta lucifera ' ( to judge of nature by instances of the fingerpost ...
experimentum crucis from
... experimentum crucis was received by his contemporaries . To begin , what is an ' experimentum crucis ' ? An experimentum crucis ( lit. ' experiment at a crossroads ' ) is an experiment designed to choose between two competing ...
experimentum crucis from
... experimentum crucis falsified all theories that made white light simple ; that Michelson - Morley's experimentum crucis falsified all theories of physics that relied on the luminiferous aether as their indispensable component ; that ...
experimentum crucis from
... crucis . Suppose it were inquired into why metals become heavier when calcined , various explanations might be conceived . But the experimentum crucis of Lavoisier removed the ambiguity . He enclosed a quantity of tin in a large glass ...
experimentum crucis from
... experimentum crucis is not difficult to be understood . Taking either of the hypotheses , its consequences must be attempted to be traced , supposing a different experiment to be made . This must be done with respect to the other ...
experimentum crucis from
... EXPERIMENTUM CRUCIS " Let us begin with a few words on the notion of crucial experiment , or experimentum crucis . The idea appears in the seventeenth century in Francis Bacon's Novum Organum , as the instantia crucis - that is , a ...
experimentum crucis from
... EXPERIMENTUM CRUCIS provided the world with many things at once : a piece of information , a set of tools and techniques , even a moral lesson . It owes its beauty to each of these . Newton's experiment disclosed a piece of truth about ...
experimentum crucis from
... EXPERIMENTUM CRUCIS . - A crucial or decisive experi- ment in attempting to interpret the laws of nature ; so called , by Bacon , from the crosses or way - posts used to point out roads , because they determine at once between two or ...
experimentum crucis from
... experimentum crucis ( crucial experiment , that is , deciding between competing hypotheses ) . Before Duhem , it was commonly recognized that a positive experimentum crucis , i . e . , an experiment allowing to select a true theory from ...