exitus letalis from
... Exitus letalis nothwendiger Weise eintreten muss . Es tritt der Exitus letalis dann ein entweder durch Compression der Lungen und des Herzens , indem die aus einer Wunde des Ductus tho- racicus in die Pleurahöhle sich ergiessende und ...
exitus letalis from
... Exitus letalis on seventh day Exitus letalis on seventh day Exitus letalis on fifth day Exitus letalis on fourth day Intravenous Rabbit , dog , guinea pig Cord emulsion ( human ) ....... Intraperitoneal Rabbits , I guinea pigs Subdural ...
exitus letalis from
... exitus letalis . Autopsy not permitted . From the clinical symptoms there was reason to suspect meningitis , and , perhaps , a thrombus in the sinus longi- tudinalis . Epicrisis : Here we have a case that at no time developed severe ...
exitus letalis from
... Exitus letalis ( crisis mala ) . Besides these two , which we have already discussed , other rarer forms of termination of this disease are to be briefly mentioned , which may have a decided influence upon prognosis and therapy as well ...
exitus letalis from
... Exitus letalis 16 Tage post partum . Bei der Sektion zeigte sich an der vor- deren Fläche des Uterus eine fast kreisrunde Oeffnung von 5 cm Durchmesser ; in derselben lag frei beweglich ein Stück gequollenen , verfärbten Uterusgewebes ...
exitus letalis from
... Exitus Letalis After Maxillary Sinus Operation . ( Exitus letalis nach Kieferhoehlenoperation ) . Arch . f . Laryngol . u . Rhinol . , Bd . 25 , Heft 3 , p . 441 , 1911 . 925 HERZFELD , J. Perforation of Alveolar Periosteal Abscess Into ...