
Learn to pronounce ex·em·plum

an example or model, especially a moralizing or illustrative story.

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An exemplum is a moral anecdote, brief or extended, real or fictitious, used to illustrate a point. The word is also used to express an action performed by ...
Rating (74)
A young, media-savvy Catholic priest enlists a malevolent hacker to blackmail a wealthy parishioner with secret recordings of his confessions.
Exemplum, short tale originally incorporated by a medieval preacher into his sermon to emphasize a moral or illustrate a point of doctrine.
Oct 27, 2023 · An exemplum is “an anecdote that illustrates or supports a moral point, as in a medieval sermon.” Fr. Jacobi is using confessions as script ...
1. example, model an exemplum of heroism 2. an anecdote or short narrative used to point a moral or sustain an argument.
Rating (5)
A young, media-savvy Catholic priest enlists a malevolent hacker to blackmail a wealthy parishioner with secret recordings of his confessions.
Exemplum: Figure of amplification using an example, brief or extended, real or fictitious, to illustrate a point; an example. Examples.
exemplum n (genitive exemplī); second declension. a sample, example; (in particular) a warning example, deterrent. Synonyms: documentum, monitus: esse in ...
1. an example; illustration 2. a moralized tale or anecdote, esp. one included in a medieval sermon.
“Exemplum” is just Latin for “example.” And that's all it is. It's an example, story, or anecdote used to demonstrate a point.