... Ex professo de religione tractantes . - P . Pennachi thus explains this phrase , Porro ex professo de religione tractare est enucleate de illa disserere , argumentis rationibusque communire , et ab objectis etiam ut par est vindicare ...
... Ex Cathe'dra ( Latin ) . With au- thority . The Pope , speaking ex cathedra , is said to speak with an infallible ... Professo ( Latin ) . expressly . Avowedly ; " I bave never written ex professo on the sub- ject . " - Gladstone ...
... ex diis . Atque certe videtur fabula imaginem in illo depinxisse hominis et for- tunæ ejus , qui ex professo hunc finem actionum suarum sibi proponit et destinat , ut cultum aliquem divinum , sive sectam religionis , licet vanam et ...
... ex professo et pro se, num ex sua sententia an ex opinione aliorum nam qui hoc non animadvertit, putabit in dictis Aristotelis multas esse repugnantias cum eadem de re varijs in locis varie sentire videatur. Exemplorum aut illius non ...
... ex professo , are written against religion and faith ( defending the errors of heretics and infidels ) and those which are not , ex professo , directed against it ( only here and there attacking religion ) ; ( 2 ) books which , ex professo ...
... ex libris (Late L.), from the books—followed by the owner's name in the genitive—written in the volumes or on the ... professo (L.), avowedly. exeat (L.), let him go out—formal leave, as for a student to be out of college for more than one ...
... Ex Cathe'dra ( Latin ) . With au- thority . The Pope , speaking ex cathedra , is said to speak with an infallible ... Professo ( Latin ) . Avowedly ; expressly . " I have never written ex professo on the sub- ject . " - Gladstone ...
... EX PROFESSO , adv . ex professo . EXPROPRIATION [. 1. q . ch . auprès de q . u . , to atone to a . o . for a . th . Que l'on peut- , expiable ; que l'on n'a pas expié , 1. unatoned ; unexpia- ted ; 2. unrepentant ; unrepenting ; qui peut ...
... Ex abusu non argumentum ad desuetu- dinem . The abuse of a thing is no argument for its discontinuance , Law . Ex ... professo . From one acknowledged . Pr . Law . Law . Ex eodem ore calidum et frigidum efflare . -To blow hot and ...