
Learn to pronounce ex ca·the·dra

/ˌeks kəˈTHēdrə/
with the full authority of office (especially that of the Pope, implying infallibility as defined in Roman Catholic doctrine).
"for an encyclical to be infallible the Pope must speak ex cathedra"

issued with the full authority of office (especially that of the Pope, implying infallibility as defined in Roman Catholic doctrine).
"ex cathedra statements"

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Aug 19, 2024 · The meaning of EX CATHEDRA is by virtue of or in the exercise of one's office or position. How to use ex cathedra in a sentence.
The use of this power is referred to as speaking ex cathedra. ... "Any doctrine 'of faith or morals' issued by the pope in his capacity as successor to St. Peter, ...
Answer: Ex cathedra is a Latin phrase which means “from the chair.” It refers to binding and infallible papal teachings which are promulgated by the pope when ...
The phrase ex cathedra occurs in the writings of the medieval theologians, and more frequently in the discussions which arose after the Reformation in regard to ...
to have spoken infallibly, or ex cathedra (“from his chair” as supreme teacher). It is prerequisite that the pope intend to demand irrevocable assent.
May 10, 2023 · It is a doctrine of the Catholic Faith that the Holy Spirit is infallible and the Holy Spirit teaches through the Pope.
May 18, 2011 · Ex cathedra is the theological term for a teaching that has been declared infallibly by the Roman Pontiff. In short, ex cathedra means that the ...
from the seat of authority; with authority: used especially of those pronouncements of the pope that are considered infallible.
with complete authority, or said by the Pope to be true and so accepted by all members of the Roman Catholic Church.
Definition: Judgment ex cathedra refers to a statement made by the Pope that is considered to be infallible and binding for all Catholics.