
Learn to pronounce do

  1. perform (an action, the precise nature of which is often unspecified).
    "very little work has been done in this field"
    synonyms: carry out, undertake, discharge, execute, perpetrate, perform, accomplish, implement, achieve, complete, finish, conclude, bring about, engineer, effect, realize, pull off, effectuate
  2. achieve or complete.
    "I never really got the chance to finish school or do my exams"
  3. act or behave in a specified way.
    "they are free to do as they please"
    synonyms: act, behave, conduct oneself, acquit oneself, comport oneself, deport oneself
  4. be suitable or acceptable.
    "if he's anything like you, he'll do"
    synonyms: suffice, be adequate, be satisfactory, be acceptable, be good enough, be of use, fill the bill, fit the bill, answer the purpose, serve the purpose, meet one's needs, pass muster, be enough, be sufficient, make the grade, cut the mustard, be up to snuff
  5. beat up or kill.
    "he was the guy who did Maranzano"

  1. used before a verb (except be, can, may, ought, shall, will ) in questions and negative statements.
    "do you have any pets?"
  2. used to refer to a verb already mentioned.
    "he looks better than he did before"
  3. used to give emphasis to a positive verb.
    "I do want to act on this"
  4. used with inversion of a subject and verb when an adverbial phrase begins a clause for emphasis.
    "only rarely did they succumb"

  1. short for hairdo.
  2. a party or other social event.
    "the soccer club Christmas do"
    synonyms: party, reception, gathering, celebration, function, affair, event, social event, social occasion, social function, social, soirée, jump-up, simcha, levee, bash, blowout, rave, shindig, shindy, shebang, junket, rave-up, thrash, knees-up, jolly, beanfeast, bunfight, beano, shivoo, rage, jollo, jol, ding-dong
  3. excrement.
    "the air was rancid with the smell of donkey doo"
  4. a swindle or hoax.

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