bibliogroup:"The Loeb classical library. Latin authors" z
The bite and wit of two of antiquity's best satirists - Persius and Juvenal are captured in this text.
bibliogroup:"The Loeb classical library. Latin authors" z
The bite and wit of two of antiquity's best satirists - Persius and Juvenal are captured in this text.
bibliogroup:"The Loeb classical library. Latin authors" z
The bite and wit of two of antiquity's best satirists - Persius and Juvenal are captured in this text.
bibliogroup:"The Loeb classical library. Latin authors" z
The bite and wit of two of antiquity's best satirists - Persius and Juvenal are captured in this text.
bibliogroup:"The Loeb classical library. Latin authors" z
Of all this great work there survives only the 8 books on medicine (De Medicina).