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1. upward; anogenic; anoopsia. 2. upper; anocarpous. ano- 2 of 2. combining form : anus; anoscopy : anal and anococcygeal.
ano noun informal: buttocks or anus lower opening of the digestive tract the excretory opening of lower orders of vertebrates.
1. a combining form of anus or anal: anorectal. ano- 2. a combining form meaning “up,” “upper,” “upward”: anoopsia.
Noun · year. Hypernyms: lustro, década, siglo, milenio: Hyponyms: día, semana, mes. el año pasado. last year. el año que viene. next year. el año vigente. the ...
Shimizu Ayano (志水彩乃), better known as ano (あの), is a soloist singer, model, actress, TV host and a former member of You'll Melt More!, from which she ...
ano British English: anus NOUN /ˈeɪnəs/ A person's anus is the hole from which faeces leaves their body.
ano noun anus [noun] (anatomy) the hole in your bottom through which solid waste leaves your body.
año · year. See the entry for ; ano · anus. See the entry for ; ano · anus. Singular ...
ANO ( lit. 'Yes'), officially called ANO 2011, is a right-wing populist political party in the Czech Republic, led by businessman Andrej Babi¹, ...