Zestrajać meaning from
... zestrajać 3 to ( cause to ) be in harmony or agreement : The colours in this room harmonize nicely . har- monizować ... means of which it is controlled . ☐ uprząż verb 1 to put the harness on ( a horse ) . na- kładać uprząż 2 to ...
Zestrajać meaning from
... zestrajać poczynania gospodarcze po- przez dobór odpowiednich kombinacji elementów polityki fiskalnej i mo- netarnej ... MEANS FIGHTING OF INFLATION INFLATION Summary PROGNOSTICATION OF The Środki walki z inflacją 277.
Zestrajać meaning from
In this book, based on lectures that the author was invited to deliver in Japan, Bryan Wilson traces the dominant contours of religion as perceived by the sociologist.
Zestrajać meaning from
" New Covenant "Author Jim Gallagher does an excellent job of not just presenting the facts about Lubich and the [Focolare] movement, but telling the story of each.