Nov 6, 2024 · zestrajać. verb. harmonize , (also harmonise British) [verb] (music) to add different parts to (a melody) to form harmonies.
(transitive, literary) to coordinate, to compose, to harmonize (to arrange elements so as to form a harmonious whole) · (transitive, music) to tune in harmony, ...
Oct 23, 2024 · shoot down [phrasal verb] to hit (a plane) with eg a shell and cause it to crash. (Translation of zestrzelić from the PASSWORD ...
Zestrajać (to attune) conjugation ; zestrajam. I attune ; zestrajasz. you attune ; zestraja. he/she/it attunes ; zestrajamy. we attune ; zestrajacie. you all attune.
1. zestaw (pytań): zestaw. set · 2. zestaw (kolorów): zestaw. combination · 3. zestaw (mebli): zestaw. suite · 4. zestaw (narzędzi):.
1. marked by agreement in feeling, attitude, or action: a harmonious group. 2. forming a pleasingly consistent whole; congruous: harmonious colors.
1. To bring into accord: accommodate, attune, conform, coordinate, integrate, proportion, reconcile, tune. 2. To combine and adapt in order to attain a ...
The aim of the research is to understand the level and structure of self-authoring of subjects and to determine the meanings of self-authoring ...
Definition of the verb abgleichen (equalise, synchronise): etwas anpassen oder angleichen; wechselseitig austauschen; auswuchten; vereinigen; angleichen; mergen ...
Główne tłumaczenia. Angielski, Polski. synchronize sth, also UK: synchronise sth vtr, (watches: set to same time), synchronizować ndk. zsynchronizować dk.