harmonize , (also harmonise British) [verb] (music) to add different parts to (a melody) to form harmonies. (Translation of zestrajać from the PASSWORD ...
(transitive, literary) to coordinate, to compose, to harmonize (to arrange elements so as to form a harmonious whole) · (transitive, music) to tune in harmony, ...
Oct 23, 2024 · shoot down [phrasal verb] to hit (a plane) with eg a shell and cause it to crash. (Translation of zestrzelić from the PASSWORD ...
Zestrajać (to attune) conjugation ; zestrajam. I attune ; zestrajasz. you attune ; zestraja. he/she/it attunes ; zestrajamy. we attune ; zestrajacie. you all attune.
1. zestaw (pytań): zestaw. set · 2. zestaw (kolorów): zestaw. combination · 3. zestaw (mebli): zestaw. suite · 4. zestaw (narzędzi):.
1. marked by agreement in feeling, attitude, or action: a harmonious group. 2. forming a pleasingly consistent whole; congruous: harmonious colors.
1. To bring into accord: accommodate, attune, conform, coordinate, integrate, proportion, reconcile, tune. 2. To combine and adapt in order to attain a ...
The aim of the research is to understand the level and structure of self-authoring of subjects and to determine the meanings of self-authoring ...
Definition of the verb abgleichen (equalise, synchronise): etwas anpassen oder angleichen; wechselseitig austauschen; auswuchten; vereinigen; angleichen; mergen ...
Główne tłumaczenia. Angielski, Polski. synchronize sth, also UK: synchronise sth vtr, (watches: set to same time), synchronizować ndk. zsynchronizować dk.