Landowski from
... Landowski , inv . 82.1.77 Pl . 556 Expositions 1995 : Taipei , musée d'Art moderne , « Paul Landowski >> . 1993 : Pont - l'Abbé , « Hommage à Marcel Landowski » . 1994 Boulogne - Billancourt , musée Landowski , « Galerie de portraits ...
Landowski from
... Landowski , Eric : 1980 : " Metalangage et exercices de style . " In : 105 b . 13 ( 1980 ) 42-47 . 5579 Landowski , Eric : 1980 : " L'opinion publique et ses porte - parole . " In : 184 C. 2:12 ( 1980 ) . 5580 Landowski , Eric : 1981 ...
Landowski from
... Landowski, Eric. 1989. La société réfléchie. Paris: Seuil. Landowski, Eric. 1997. Presences de l'autre. Paris: Puf. Landowski, Eric. 2004. Passions sans nom. Paris: Puf. Landowski, Eric. 2005. Les interactions risquées. Limoges: Pulim ...
Landowski from
... Landowski and his work , see especially works by Michèle Lefrançois , curator of the Musée Landowski in Boulogne - Billancourt , such as Bruno Foucart , Michèle Lefrançois , and Gérard Caillet , Landowski ( Paris : Editions Van Wilder ...
Landowski from
... Landowski described regional orchestras as “ the commandos of [ musical ] animation , " having the function of “ sensitizing all strata of so- ciety " to musical culture . 102 Elsewhere Landowski depicted government- sponsored music ...
Landowski from
... Landowski's international fame had spread, reaching a high point with his large installation Temple de l'Homme (Temple of Man) for the 1925 Exposition Internationale des Arts Decoratifs et Industriels Modernes, which gave Art Deco its ...
Landowski from
... Landowski , feigning encour- agement to Amy to consider reopening the Domaine , at the same time gave the musical public his assurance that , were the Domaine not to reopen , another similar organisation , and an organisation more in ...
Landowski from
... Landowski to refer Landowski to employment , from the ex- clusive referral system it operates on behalf of employer- members of the Association , because he is not a member of the Respondent . THE REMEDY Having found that the Respondent ...