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A. C. GAUGHEN is the author of the Scarlet Trilogy (Scarlet, Lady Thief and Lion Heart) and the Elementae series (REIGN THE EARTH, IMPRISON THE SKY).
'My foul-mouthed warrior. ... I know what it's like when you can't get no one to listen to you. When what you say don't matter. I half think every girl knows what ...
YA Author of the SCARLET Trilogy⚔ The Elementae⚓ - ☕Tea drinker ✈Traveler Petter of dogs. Profile @kaitlitchphoto ... ImprisonTheSky!
AC GAUGHEN is the author of the Elementae series (Reign the Earth, Imprison the Sky) and the Scarlet trilogy (Scarlet, Lady Thief, Lion Heart).
A. C. Gaughen

A. C. Gaughen

Author ·
A. C. Gaughen is the author of the Elementae series and of Scarlet, Lady Thief, and Lion Heart. She serves as the Director of Girls' Leadership for the non-profit Boston GLOW, creating opportunities to encourage and engage teen girls in the... Google Books
YA writer, educator, speaker, Girl Scout and author of The Scarlet Trilogy and the Elementae series w Bloomsbury.
AC Gaughen. 1050 likes. Young Adult Author of the SCARLET trilogy and the ELEMENTAE series (Bloomsbury) Twitter | Instagram.
A. C. Gaughen is the author of the Elementae series and of Scarlet, Lady Thief, and Lion Heart. She serves as the Director of Girls' Leadership for the ...
A.C. Gaughen is a noteworthy and hardworking author from the United Kingdom, who likes to novels revolving around the Young Adult stories.
Looking for books by A.C. Gaughen? See all books authored by A.C. Gaughen, including Scarlet, and Lion Heart, and more on