... 500+, meaning each family receives 500 PLN per child). Child benefits are common in European countries. 53. Staszek ... money on alcohol rather than on kids' needs (see Pawłowski 2016). 56. This is not to say that these kinds of ...
... 500+ ' directly : the PiS flagship scheme allows all families , regardless of income , to receive 500 zlotych a month per child . Its opponents call it rozdawnictwo ( pieniedzy ) , a pejorative term for the throwing away of money ...
... pl/Komentarze/190719528-Jakub-Bierzynski-500-plus-to-sukces-Nie-to-kleska.html. 19. For a more recent argument, see ... money], Money.pl, February 2, 2016, http://www.money.pl/gospodarka/wiadomosci/artykul/budzet-2016-i-program ...
... money to the citizens, giving them a sense of justice and superiority over corrupt elites. Another motor is the ... 500+ (Family 500+) – in the first version (2015) the program included a payment of PLN 500 a month for the second ...
... [500+ ref] Address: Prof. of Botany, Univ. of Texas, Formerly Prof. and Head Dep. of Botany, State Univ. of Iowa ... money accumulated from the sale of wheat, cotton, tobacco, butter, lard, and other commodities from being used to ...
... Pl—please, sir," I blurted out, "do you want a confidential lad?" The clerk tittered; but the old gentleman, with ... money, as an indemnification for any losses that might be incurred through my inexperience. The old gentleman ...
... Pl—please, sir," I blurted out, "do you want a confidential lad?" The clerk tittered; but the old gentleman, with ... money, as an indemnification for any losses that might be incurred through my inexperience. The old gentleman ...