A practitioner of the Old Text exegesis of the Classics, he maintained a position on the court during a turbulent time of political crises, uprisings, and civil war, spanning the reigns of four emperors.
... Huan - Anthy's own brother- drew his jeweled sword from its sheath , and gave it to the chief Dervish , saying , that he himself would be sponsor for the Dwarf . So the Priest called publicly upon Huan to come forward and take the oath ...
... Huan knew it was no human being that suffered . He stopped for a moment , fearing to advance . But the sounds were ... Huan saw the monster , and heard its roar , his heart sank within him , and he drew back with fright . Still it ...
Among the first Chinese artists to turn to performance art, Zhang Huan, a member of the "Beijing East Village" community, focused, in his early work, on submitting his naked body to extreme psychological and physical situations.