


Anonymous asked:


Potrzebuje więcej kościuszko

Blagam powiedz że masz więcej kościuszko pls twój art jest zajebisty i szczeże wciągnął mnie spowrotem w cod. Podziwiam to co robisz

Jesteś najlepszx byku trzymaj tak dalej❤️❤️❤️

Polska górą 🔥🔥🔥🇵🇱🇵🇱🇵🇱

Anonymous asked:

Actually love all your art! How would each of the 141 train the recruits? Who would be the biggest nightmare of the recruits, and who would be Prices?

Also love the GhostSoap and GazRoach content!!! Keep up the amazing work ❤️❤️❤️

They are all an absolute delight to be around

Anonymous asked:

Holy SHIT you’re a true master of human portraits and anatomy, I have been TAKEN AWAY by that Simon portrait he’s so beautiful, I love your shitposts and cute little arts too but dear god the COLORS the SHADING the EMOTION took me tf out!!!!! 💖💖💖💖💖

Thank you!

Listen, portraits are my first love, If I could I would just become a traditional portrait artist full time

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