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How Yannick Bisson arrived at his starring role on Murdoch Mysteries

Canadian actor Yannick Bisson moved often as a kid before finding his roots in acting at 13

3 min read

Before beginning his nine-season run on Murdoch Mysteries, star Yannick Bisson hawked cars, delivered pizza, sold long-distance phone service, tended bar and did voice-over work to help support his family.

PASADENA, CALIF.—Though he’s been in the business since he was 13, Canadian actor Yannick Bisson has tried to quit several times. “I was tired of the ups and downs and the uncertainty,” he says, seated at a small, round table draped in a white linen tablecloth in a meeting room.

“It was getting to the point where you sort of have to cut your losses a little bit. You have to be responsible and I had opportunities. I was starting to do well at building homes and things like that. That interested me a lot as well. So I was debating whether to go do that full time or not. And I was looking for a sign, really.”


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