
(redirected from JARD)
Also found in: Acronyms.
Related to JARD: Jared
n.1.(Far.) A callous tumor on the leg of a horse, below the hock.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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Equally interesting is the spillover of the military bullpup into the civilian market with models like the semi-automatic versions of the IWI Tavor, FN PS90, and Steyr AUG, but they're a pricey bunch and that's where JARD has an advantage.
In the case of the JARD J67, the hammer and action are fully 6 inches behind the trigger, which makes it roughly as long as an SBR without requiring a Class III tax stamp from the BATF.
Com a missao politico-pedagogica de conciliar interdisciplinaridade academica, excelencia cientifica e inclusao social, desde a sua criacao, a jovem universidade despertou grande interesse na comunidade academica nacional e internacional, especialmente entre os estudiosos da educacao superior (ZIMERMAN; PINEZI; JARD DA SILVA, 2015).
Work is also under way for the construction of other stations in Al Jard and Al Ayiun areas.
Q&A about Arab and American culture Now that he has been stateside for a while, Jard has some profound answers to some tough questions.
My Bushmaster Carbon-15 (yes, I kept it) now sports a self-installed Jard trigger and a left-hand safety lever.
Jard is professor at ENS Cachan Campus of Ker-Lann.
Prime Minister Nader Dahabi on Monday said Jordan would soon buy a nuclear reactor from a French company to supply the Kingdom with electrical power.a During a meeting with the head of the Jordanian-French Parliamentary Friendship Committee, Olivier Jard, and members of the panel, the premier said France will be helping Jordan in uranium enrichment and training of cadres.